? ??????????????Nifty Pattern (Brown)? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 3.5 (37 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 5145 Total
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello world!
I am visiting New Mexico with Daniel. We have been there since this past Tuesday and will be hanging out until the first of October. We are staying at his folks house and we have been having a good grand old time. We got up today and ran errands and by the time that I got home, I had a huge headache. I took a nap and that was quite awesome. I woke up and thankfully my headache was gone. Bye bye headache!
So that was the boring update of my day.
Daniel and I are doing very well.
Things are crazy.
We learn every day.
Usually fight every week.
But we are loving every second.
It is incredible being with this man.
I'm blessed and if you are still looking for your perfect guy or gal, hold on.
We have both made dumb mistakes in our pasts while waiting for each other.
I'm beggin ya, don't follow our stupid examples.
God is love, love is real, and that love will keep you while you wait for your baby.
Have a good day.
If anyone reads this, I love you and hope that you are finding contentment in your place in life.

Evie H.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My life has COMPLETELY changed in a matter of two months.
I will elaborate when I feel like it.
I will be starting a, "Holy cow, I'm married, life is insanity when life becomes attatched to another person!" blog, soon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh my goodness. I am running on empty. So bad.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm engaged and I'm moving to Utah by the end of the month.
Holy freaking cow.

Tata for now!

Love you all and for those of you that are my good buddies and if I haven't told you this in person yet, I apologize, but I had to write it down somewhere or my head was going to explode!
So, that was an uber long run on sentence, but who cares?! Blogs don't get graded! Anyway, I love you guys who do read and just saw that and were like, "WAAA???"
We will talk later, I promise :)


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It is two a.m.
I am listening to music.
I feel like I have pills going through my system.
I do not.
I just watch Jim Morrison have a complete acid trip on stage on youtube.
The boy was fried.
Like, sausages dancing in front of his face, fried.
I painted tonight.
I am now listening to Eisley.
I have so much to do in the next few weeks.
I am going to Salt Lake City on the ninth with Daniel to visit my parents.
One week, but I want it to be today.
I am now going to collapse into sleep.
Goodnight world.
I am not high.
I promise.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This has been a most interesting week.
I will expound on that later.
I promise.
Right now, however, I must clean my room.
Then work on some humanities homework.
Then hang out with my boyfriend for a little while.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh yes, the time has come for us to say goodbye

I hate having to cut people out of my life.
It rarely happens because as Christians, we are called to be kind.
We are also called to live godly lifestyles and we are not supposed to use "being kind" as an excuse to drop to the world's level of "fun".
Unfortunately, there was a someone in my life that was more than happy to roll around in the mud with me and we have had to cut ties.
We tried to not roll around in the mud together and it didn't work out so hot.
There was nothing godly about us and it is time to part ways completely.
Bummer of a thing to do.
I truly despise doing it.
If I hadn't of gone where I wasn't supposed to, I wouldn't be in this situation.
So once again, my stupidity is mine, not God's.
I'm taking comfort in the fact that I have people who love me and want what's best for me.
Most of all, God wants what is best for me and He has better plans for me than mud wrestling. . .

Now then,I am going to go try and have some fun with my extended family here in Utah.

Miss E.